
Give your logo a professional look.
new emb collage
What is the difference between Embroidery and Printing/Silk Screening? Basically, embroidery uses thread, while printing/silk screening uses ink.

What does it cost? This depends on what you would like done. Some things that will affect the cost are the size of the design, how many different locations will be decorated, and design development. The most important thing in determining price is the number of pieces to be embroidered with the same design in the same location and embroidered in the same color; garment color does not matter. Just the color of the embroidery needs to be the same.

What is design development? Certain logos, anything custom, must be digitized for embroidery. Digitizing is taking artwork from your computer and converting it into a design that the embroidery machine will understand. This is a one-time set-up fee. We can tell you the cost once we see the design. We do have thousands of stock designs that can be used for free. For a quote, please send an email to designs@cozytshirts.com

What are the minimums? One piece. There are no minimums. Only order what you need!